Friday, July 25, 2008

Tiptoeing in Ballet Slippers

After having been one to comment on other's blogs for so long, I decided it was time to give up my pen and paper (my pens were always missing thanks to the cats knocking them under the couch) and give this a shot myself.

I struggled to figure out an appropriate name, background setting, and personal description. But after struggling through that, I realized that I actually had to write my first post.

This thought was daunting. Should the first post be prolific? Interesting? Broad in scope? Intuitive? Stimulating? All I could think about is how am I going to write about myself. Will I be able to accept the comments that are posted. But then I realized, it’s just like walking into a room full of people you’ve never met - I introduce myself to you without the typical hot flashes I have from worrying about tripping over the microphone wires.

So, here goes....

I'm a 34 year old professional that has been reassessing my life and the choices I've made.

I've spent a lot of time over the past 20 months thinking about what I want out of life; how and why I am where I am; why at times I've let circumstances (though often good) dictate my choices; who really is important and my life; why I surround myself with certain types of people; why I can't get my butt to the gym more often; why I misinterpreted what I thought was happiness; why I was willing to settle for less than happiness; how I am going to deal with my parents relocating back to the area after 13 years; why I was scared to make certain decisions; how I can be proud not only achieving certain goals but also about the small steps that I take to reach those goals; how to take calculated risks; and well, this list could continue for a while.

Its been an amazing 20 months with both ups and downs. I'm sure many of my future posts will reflect on these experiences and how they have helped me to grow and learn more about myself and the people in my life.

I don't have a particular agenda in connection with setting up the blog but hope that I will be able to just be myself (and yep, that includes my silly, somewhat confused by really easy jokes, self). Oh and of course, I hope to be able to learn out how to walk without stumbling in my stilettos.

So, for today, I'm tiptoeing ever so lightly in a cute pair of ballet slippers. Given my choice, I would love to be wearing the cute little Kate Spade ones shown above.


Laura said...

Kate Spade! Yay!

Welcome to the bloggy world. :)

The Outlaw Firefighter said...

Now I get to leave you comments!!


Heather said...

~L - Thanks for making bloggy world more friendly and I appreciate your comment on Dave's blog.

Dave - Dualing comments, huh? Seriously, I look forward to reading them.